
Note for our Ushers: Lectors will read the Petitions of the Prayer of the Faithful and then the Announcements when the Celebrant concludes the Prayer of the Faithful. Please make sure that those bringing up the gifts are supervised and do not move forward until after the Announcements are read and the Celebrant has moved forward to receive the gifts. Please arrive early and be sure to remain after Mass to distribute the bulletins and other materials, as necessary. Thank you.

The Usher's primary purpose is to serve with commitment as a minister of hospitality. The Ministry of Ushering is one of welcoming and caring for the Congregation. The duties of the Usher are simple, but important. They include welcoming the members of the Congregation as they arrive for Sunday Mass, helping to seat individuals, taking and recording attendance at each mass, taking up the collection offerings, helping in emergency situations and insuring the safety of the Parish, and assisting in various other requests, as needed. The Ushers also distribute bulletins and tidy up the Church at the end of each service. Our goal is to exemplify Christ and our Church through our service.

We are always in need of volunteers to step forward and serve our Parish. Men, Women, Husband and Wife Teams, Family Teams, Confirmation Candidates who may need to fulfill service obligations, all are welcome. If you are interested in becoming an Usher for St. Catharine's Church, please contact Mr. Ken Lee at 201-297-7016.

To get more information, please check the weekly bulletin, use our contact form or give us a call at (845) 359-0542.